Fine Flat Cut Processing


Fine Flat Cut Processing

Fine flat cutting process born from Denken's original creativity and technical inventiveness.
This production is mainly cut the wire material into pieces. We can provide high precision lead pins and blocked pins.
Corresponding variant cross-sectional forms, not only circular but also any different shapes are available.

Cutting PerpendicularityLess than 1 °
Cutting RoughnessLess than 2μ
Cutting FlatnessMore than 80%
No Burrs
Each dimensional toleranceLess than ±0.02 
Each corner RR0.1MAX
Denken's original
Normal CutFine Flat Cut
Please compare.! A revolutionary processing technology more ideally suited to bonding and high-precision finishing than conventional ground product.

Product Specifications

Corresponding material Metallic materials such as Kovar , Iron Nickel , Stainless steel , Copper , Brass
Material diameter φ0.1mm~φ4.0mm
Product length 0.2mm~45mm

Material losses can be greatly reduced compared to pressed products using strips because they are processed using wire rods into pins.
Moreover, the initial cost of the mold can be drastically reduced.

Straight Cut Processing

We will respond with 100% quality assurance system.

In order to meet customer's needs and satisfy, we are demanding strict quality control which does not allow compromise.
Straight cut manufacture, which perfectly carries out our quality policy "Customer first quality and cost realization".
The pin manufactured by our company has established 100% quality assurance system not found in other companies
by checking the dimensions of the total number of pins by our own developed sensor. We have developed our own ultra-high speed cutting machine to achieve high quality, short delivery time and low price.

Product Specifications

Corresponding material Kovar , Iron Nickel , Stainless steel , Copper , Brass Titanium ,Tungsten etc…Most metallic materials
Material diameter φ0.1mm~φ5.0mm
Product length 0.5mm~100mm